Monday, July 30, 2007

Charley Pre Warned - BB8 FIX

Duration: 26 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-13 18:31:10
User: bigbrotherukplus
:::: Favorites

Big Brother Pre-Warn Charley what to expect in tonights fake eviction.

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whitehouses ::: Favorites
No, there were some banners there supporting Charley. A friend went to the eviction and saw them and heard cheers too. Seems like she's concentrating on the positive stuff rather than the negative. She's also said in the diary room though that she knows what REALLY went on and is just using it to her advantage (what housemate in Charley's position wouldn't?).
07-07-18 22:02:23
whitehouses ::: Favorites
Lol, right.
07-07-18 22:03:19
nadine903 ::: Favorites
OH...MY...GOD...that woman talks soo fuckin fast it isnt even funny , O_O
07-07-19 19:40:13
BBCharleyFAN ::: Favorites
I'm glad she concentrated on the positive things, good girl =)
07-07-20 09:02:25
ukabia ::: Favorites
she did not bully anyone
07-07-26 17:51:43
yahoochatter ::: Favorites
bullshit, your deluded and in a nutshell,blind
07-07-26 17:59:55
HarryHooligan ::: Favorites
Charley is just a dumb chav. On her REAL conviction interview with Davina she got exposed for her delusional view of herself. She is a fake who thinks she is above anything. Totally vicious. She is typical of 'IT' girls today. Thank god they all have limited shelf lives ie boys mags, tacky interviews then it's back to the real world. How many decent people will approach her now?
07-07-27 18:01:46
ukabia ::: Favorites
calm down
07-07-28 09:50:40
costateguise ::: Favorites
was she hell as like pre warned, what would be the logic in that?!?
07-07-28 12:59:15
shazy104 ::: Favorites
i absolutely HATE charley!! glad shes out& it wudnt surprise me if it was fixed up!!! i reckon it was fixed 4 her 2 go back in 2!!
07-07-28 18:17:17

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