Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mastodon Linoleum Knife - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie Intro

Duration: 176 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-21 18:27:03
User: BleedingWalls
:::: Favorites

The hilarious intro to the Aqua Teen movie. Featuring Mastodon and their song "Linoleum Knife". Good quality (not cam!).

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Terren831 ::: Favorites
i watched it high last night. holy...that was amazing
07-07-29 19:40:29
Darkenedzombie ::: Favorites
Oh thats awsome. I would so listen to the rules then :P
07-07-29 19:51:01
Steveomac90 ::: Favorites
Its a Dot, those little gummy candies, well thats what my friends and I thought
07-07-29 20:41:17
AriesDoubleX ::: Favorites
Haha, werd, do people even get ATHF who don't smoke weed or live in Jersey, or both?
07-07-30 02:02:29
LetsGoBlueJays52 ::: Favorites
Fucking. Best. Intro to a movie. EVER. GO ATHF. Movie of my life. The dude is right - watch it high.
07-07-30 02:19:47
BlueBoxjared ::: Favorites
Anyone know where I may download this? I'd love to get it on my ipod lol.
07-07-30 04:40:34
carcassfan ::: Favorites
07-07-30 11:20:05
troutisyourmaster666 ::: Favorites
My band played this song at our last concert. Everyone LOVED it lol.
07-07-30 15:37:07
funkyzeitmitbruno ::: Favorites
just commenting back is a confirmation of ur own douchery : ) and your own sad sexual oppressions are your problem, not everyone else you nudge your retarted ass into on the internets
07-07-30 20:54:59
mrmatt3 ::: Favorites
its repressions, neighbor.
07-07-30 21:28:59

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