Monday, July 30, 2007

Message to Culinary Workers

Duration: 110 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 02:11:23
User: johnedwards
:::: Favorites

John Edwards discusses his support of the Culinary Union's efforts to negotiate a fair contract for their workers in Nevada.

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porkbiggins ::: Favorites
Great Peg, but who will you vote for during the Presidential election?
07-04-11 14:12:31
GuyLA1978 ::: Favorites
Senor Juan Edwards, yo voy a votar para usted!
07-04-19 08:32:53
Bayso ::: Favorites
Same result... sorry
07-04-19 23:34:19
rlinmt ::: Favorites
John you are a MAJOR JERK! I bet you couldn't even find a 400 dollar haircut in Vegas cause nobody is that expensive there .. so go back to NY..
07-04-21 11:30:58
mde2004 ::: Favorites
changed my mind and vote for John Edward now.
07-04-21 15:59:00
compwhiz2000 ::: Favorites
wait, you've been all over the country, watch your statements, i don't recall you ever coming to my neck of the woods! Missouri ended up having to pass it's own law because certain "Senators" in D.C. couldn't pass a minumum wage law.
07-04-21 16:53:18
KrazyKoreanGlock ::: Favorites
I would rather re-elect Warlord Bush than your fake smile that lives in your Million dollar mansion and $400 dollar haircuts. You are a liar. If you succeed I will never vote again in my life. I will no longer give to charity. I will lower my American flag and bury it with my hopes of a great country. You Edwards. You are nothing but a fake smile. I may never acheive as much as you have but I have integrity. And I will not suck up to anyone even when I was in the underclass.
07-04-22 09:06:46
maejunkmail ::: Favorites
Would you like taxes with that?
07-04-22 23:49:09
CarsonWeber ::: Favorites
bottom line: John Edwards supports infanticide. I'm not talking about abortion.. I'm talking about a baby delivered breech all the way until just the head is yet to come out - then the abortionist crushes the baby's skull to complete delivery. Edwards mourned the partial-birth abortion ban & the Supreme Court's upholding of it.
07-04-23 17:11:31
webprancer ::: Favorites
He will break the backs of americans who will be forced to pay for this political blunder in the making
07-04-28 14:40:37

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