Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Dog Has A Cedar Hedge Fetish!

Duration: 129 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-29 11:19:42
User: JasonERF
:::: Favorites

Read More Here: Info for those messaging me... Her name is Sadie. She's a Husky Border-Collie mix (looks like a husky but roughly the size of a collie) My vet diagnosed her with Pulmonary Hedge Dysplasia. It's a gene in which every 4th generation in the dogs lineage suffers from- unless it's a leap year. Apparently during leap years, dogs who have this condition, become obsessed with bottles of streak-free Windex. If you have a dog with a similar condition, please email me and share your story: jason@HedgeDysplasia_support.org

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mo0nangel ::: Favorites
hahahahaha she's adorable!!
07-07-07 20:42:32
vertuewap ::: Favorites
Sadie is totally beautiful! my border collie did the same thing and then i found a skin irritation at the base of the tail. hugs and kisses to sadie.
07-07-08 12:44:26
HYDR0G3Nthemonkey ::: Favorites
cute doggie :)
07-07-09 05:15:40
foriegndude ::: Favorites
do i see paul in that video somewhere?
07-07-15 23:50:58
Molinard7 ::: Favorites
She is adorable! I would love to get a dog like this for my family! Clearly, she is a dog who loves fragrance! And the music, PLAY ON! Jeannemarie : )
07-07-17 22:18:41
vampgirl99 ::: Favorites
that dog is so adorable ^_^
07-07-19 20:44:55
katiecountry123 ::: Favorites
The rubbing is just a border collie thing- my huskey/border collie/lab does the same thing to the couch.
07-07-22 05:29:16
Eterno620 ::: Favorites
Nice lawn. . . <_<. . . But yeah, cute dog.
07-07-24 13:54:58
123quilts ::: Favorites
Cool Video!!! Come check out my channel and visit me at becbo. com
07-07-27 14:56:47
azztec ::: Favorites
dog people! yeah
07-07-28 07:37:26

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