Monday, July 30, 2007

Russia makes a bid for the North Pole 29-07-07

Duration: 148 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 14:04:58
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

The melting polar ice cap is another victim of global warming but with the Arctic region becoming more accessible Russia races to stake its claim, Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports.

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khaleda11 ::: Favorites
the north pole belongs to canada, get over it you leaches!!
07-07-29 19:30:39
qatari92 ::: Favorites
07-07-29 20:00:27
Arroyo7788 ::: Favorites
Ummm, Samwich--just where did you get this tidbit of info--can you provide a verifiable citation for this so I can look the info up since everything I find says other than you do....
07-07-29 20:19:26
MonarchVII ::: Favorites
They already divided Antarctica up years ago. The Arctic is different though, Personally I accept Russia's claim as long as Canada gets the other half.
07-07-29 22:01:14
louisc06 ::: Favorites
there is no such thing as global warming, i heard that cow farts are causing us to slowly cook , i don't know what to think anymore.
07-07-29 22:43:41
Sezu86 ::: Favorites
Global warming. Maybe Armaggedon will strike first.
07-07-29 22:59:41
cuban4cigar ::: Favorites
Jonah, can UK claim there something ? If not, I am sad. They should also participate.
07-07-30 00:13:03
ignisfatuus ::: Favorites
i'm glad someone's pointing out the irony of gaining access to fossil fuels by ruining our enviroment with fossil fuels. that's like the story my grandfather used to tell about an ice cream eating contest in which the kid who ate the most ice wins more ice cream.
07-07-30 00:31:36
bu11com ::: Favorites
honestly why does russia need more land? its an ice cube all year round.
07-07-30 00:36:05
massiggyman ::: Favorites
their going to monopolize the ice cream industry, then their going to team up with santa to rule the world... (imagine russians driving around america in ice cream trucks) to fatten america's children into becomming complacent!!! ahhh
07-07-30 00:39:52

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