Sunday, August 26, 2007

Alien Vs. Predator 2: Survival of The Fittest - First Image

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 15:26:24
User: Anwarrior
:::: Favorites

The first picture from the new Alien Vs. Predator movie, Survival of the Fittest. I think the Predator's have found something new...

arielle5dreamz ::: Favorites
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07-08-25 11:20:38
tybenjoe12 ::: Favorites
go aliens!
07-08-25 04:50:35
remoteman95 ::: Favorites
u know i think dat the hybrid will wipe out the entire galaxy....i mean its alien and predator combine which is like ultimate
07-08-20 04:10:05
shinjilohan ::: Favorites
AVP2.... Perfecto
07-08-18 21:03:47
foreverbrotherinarms ::: Favorites
i would prefere to be a pred-alien cos it is the ultimate killing machine with alien, human and preditor DNA and is most likely almost unstoppable P.S. i think that alien is some kinda genetic experiment gone awol (probably made by the preditors)
07-08-18 10:30:31
TheSystemspider ::: Favorites
the aliens were bioengineered for a civil war.
07-08-22 18:48:31
Godzhur ::: Favorites
I wish I could be a predator.
07-08-14 23:22:47
MobiMurat ::: Favorites
looks awesome hope predators win
07-08-14 08:47:23
luisugarte ::: Favorites
This looks like a Scorpion Alien
07-08-13 00:46:14
ruhani777 ::: Favorites
Predators will always be superior to that of aliens
07-08-11 20:46:41
zakharum ::: Favorites
mmmm... i hope predators kick the asses of the aliens
07-08-07 14:43:23
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
Yeah, me too.
07-08-08 15:40:38
dcollins39212 ::: Favorites
not me aliens rule
07-08-11 20:39:41
TenYearSilence ::: Favorites
07-08-02 16:18:37
Anwarrior ::: Favorites
I know and thanks man.
07-08-04 19:52:15
davidsk8cat ::: Favorites
weres thew shemale alien/predator???? that looks like a different race of alien maybe...maybe...this will lead on into the genocide seriers! duh duh duuuuhhhhh!!!!
07-07-29 04:54:29
nikahmamasi ::: Favorites
shit! alien looks like cockroach!!!
07-07-24 16:05:02
eldestpredator ::: Favorites
07-07-23 01:12:26
Madnessofoblivion ::: Favorites
Isn't theier a Predalein?
07-07-21 14:00:55
googoogee ::: Favorites
u go 2 the comic con!!!! im going all days and i might go in the panel to avp2
07-07-19 10:24:16

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