Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Amazing 747 landing

Duration: 17 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-30 11:04:41
User: shin8610
:::: Favorites

KAL 747 landing at Hongkong old airport

ChopperSix ::: Favorites
Not nearly as scary as flying THY (Turk Hava Yollari, Turkish Airlines), at least back in the early 70s. I think they were paid on a sliding scale, getting a bonus for the fastest time they could record from 10,000 feet to "parked." Scared the crap out of everyone the first time into Istanbul Airport, but at the time they had an admirable safety record: zero crashes, ever (as of '73).
07-06-24 03:14:37
betochon ::: Favorites
Ya Right!! that is the most stupid comment ever!! Hell no u dont want that pilot!! You want the pilot that landed ahed of him with no problem. That pilot should have his liscence revoked!!
07-06-27 16:40:23
Rus1g2r1 ::: Favorites
OH THIS GUY IS REAL GOOOOOOD.. Lands short of the runway, right of center line, and check the windsock. I wonder where he got his type rating from....
07-06-29 19:02:39
Krizzzzz1992 ::: Favorites
buy it lol
07-07-31 08:11:14
Liist ::: Favorites
Holy shit, something you'd expect out of a maneuverable military aircraft. But a huge 747? I bet Airbus A380 can never do something of that nature. I can't wait to see the first accident with that thing.
07-08-02 13:25:52
grantrmca ::: Favorites
The landing was short of the threshold by about 5 metres. He was wide on the approach, likely because he was compensating for a crosswind (whether it was gusting or not). I can't exactly tell from this angle, but it seems like he delayed applying the rudder, probably safer to have gone around. This is not a text book landing, he was off the localizer, late with the rudder and short of the threshold.
07-08-08 00:10:52
dickravis ::: Favorites
well sure, but clearly the double-R, long gauge ottoman caster bearings helped his kanipulator re-work the muffler gap. all-in-all it was not without it's charm.
07-08-10 20:08:37
dtocks ::: Favorites
Is this an intentional high drag landing, or is it a screw up form wind shearing?
07-08-11 07:14:53
wuyunchi ::: Favorites
This pilot must be crazy, he may kill all the passenger on board, however he know how to lift the plane up by the engings very well. Very nice landing
07-08-11 21:48:19
wuyunchi ::: Favorites
He may hit the first enging
07-08-11 21:49:25

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