Sunday, August 19, 2007

Another problem on YouTube

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-28 03:11:00
User: rextangle
:::: Favorites

A visual explanation of what YouTube should be doing instead of me!

Nancy1967 ::: Favorites
Loved the ending with the talking cat! But you know me and my affection towards, ummmm, polar bears! Great video. You are VERY talented! Glad I subscribed! Blessings... Nancy
07-02-28 14:09:25
sukatra ::: Favorites
This video really should be featured. And I LOVE your talking cat.
07-03-10 13:05:43
mexasounds ::: Favorites
nice one!!!
07-03-28 10:22:01
cooksterz ::: Favorites
Very well done Monsieur! Using foul language, in such a hateful way, is often attributed to a lack of imagination and prudence!
07-04-01 01:16:02
sourmelee ::: Favorites
Really inspiring! But you know... YouTube probably doesn't even care. If YouTube DID really care then what we would get is: 1)INSTANT REMOVAL AND BAN OF ALL HATERS. May be cruel but still, if you are a flaming idiot all the time then you really should go bye-bye. 2)IP BANNING of the haters. Until they have somewhat matured. I am sooo turning into a hater-hater :( And it surely doesn't feel good to be honest. Please, do not hate!
07-04-05 10:33:59
sarrycrey ::: Favorites
oh this was heartfelt and funny, and oh how I love the music! Great way to tackle a serious issue on the Tube...
07-07-04 18:47:38
rextangle ::: Favorites
Thanks Sarry! This one is ooooold! lol, but thanks for watching!
07-07-05 15:05:07
premehta ::: Favorites
i wuz hopin faggot would come a lil earlier :( :P newayz, i wud never say sum1 to "go die" on youtube, cos in da "developed" world, if sum1 says dat 2 u & u go kill urself, they'll come after u. cos the people r so "developed" in dat world dat they listen 2 people online & kill 'emselves. :) nice vid tho. but sometimes da people ARE assholes & fuckin cunts & faggots who deserve those comments...
07-07-07 07:19:14
premehta ::: Favorites
ok, i admit i dint finish da entire video before commenting (gota learn to do dat yo :P), but if it's to innocent users, then it kinda sucks. how do we report stuff? btw, i must say dat i'm glad dat youtube doesnt have censorship.
07-07-07 07:22:31
moonglow38 ::: Favorites
You find those words on youtube because they never learned real english and these are the only words they know...and they were born and raised here! The Mexicans know more words then they do! amazing isn't it? This is what happens when people flunk spelling and writing in school...
07-08-15 12:38:12

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