Saturday, August 11, 2007

Anya's Solo

Duration: 38 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-20 01:25:47
User: nighttiming
:::: Favorites


peterlllas ::: Favorites
On another note, she probably has the craziest (and fastest) legs I have ever seen.
07-07-21 13:53:19
Ballroom4life ::: Favorites
People are about as consisten as the judges in their reviews...first a person deserves to go home based on their partner dances (Which Anya definitely does not) and next they have to go home based on a bad solo (Which Anya would deserve from the past 2 weeks, but not this one).
07-07-21 18:31:34
dancinH25 ::: Favorites
Lol that's an understatement. This costume makes me want to be sick.
07-07-21 19:45:57
chukwuma2008 ::: Favorites
i felt jaimie was worse .. and onli did one good routine jazz.. other than that everyother routine sicked
07-07-22 02:19:03
chukwuma2008 ::: Favorites
i felt jaimie was worse .. and onli did one good routine jazz.. other than that everyother routine sucked
07-07-22 02:20:20
1959218 ::: Favorites
foot,s and ball,s woerk is so quick and professional she is winer in all this show her mom
07-07-22 06:20:00
Ballroom4life ::: Favorites
DancinH25 I guess you shouldn't watch ballroom competitions all that often because the costumes don't differ all to greatly. At least you don't see her panties when she dances (I'm glaring at you contemporary dancers)
07-07-22 09:41:47
coryindahousizzle ::: Favorites
The show isnt gonna be the same without her :(
07-07-26 14:50:26
allisonthecat ::: Favorites
that was great!
07-07-27 19:19:06
silly1o1 ::: Favorites
i think heidis proud mary solo was beter
07-08-06 22:29:26

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