Sunday, August 12, 2007

Appalling US- Alien Treaties in Exchange For UFO Technology

Duration: 597 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-03 18:08:46
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

This perfectly explains the reason for the massive coverup on the UFO subject. John Lear; former US CIA worker, discloses inside information of US and Alien treaties in exchange for UFO technology. This is an audio tape of a broadcast from Coast To Coast with Art Bell and George Noory. Although the speaker is credible, this information is unconfirmed, lets just hope that it is not true. To learn about the Aliens flying these UFOS, what they look like and where they were examined start here: To hear The scientific Analysis of UFO's start here: To hear over 300 government witnesses with security clearances, high ranking inside military officers, Radar operators come forward before a national press conference to prove that UFOS are real go here: To hear the most revealing secrets of UFOS The Coverup and The First encounter with ETS go here: To see One Of The Most Convincing Flying Saucers Ever Filmed Go Here: Video From

christpunchers ::: Favorites
18 alien races? a mystical race that created us is not one of those races? the greys are the worker bees of that "unknown" race? also venus is like earth? wow, good video. love this stuff.
07-07-05 11:38:49
christpunchers ::: Favorites
fucking amazing.... all those wars are nothing but diversions.... is there a video of what they showed art at the end anywhere around on the internet?
07-07-05 11:42:12
Tombrink ::: Favorites
what he said about the soul thing is scientology that stuff is crazy but i do believe in aliens
07-07-09 05:00:21
jwardtx ::: Favorites
Fraud, next...
07-07-19 22:49:19
badwolf66 ::: Favorites
So...if we were created dosn't that make us the lab rats of the universe? Plus loads of TV signels which makes us the broadcasting extravagender for the aliens 24/7 entertainment. But if they do exsist where is the proof?
07-07-20 19:56:58
bbrook99 ::: Favorites
that is definately believable that we are an experiment we look so much like the aliens and our eyes hurt when we look directly at bright objects like the sun
07-07-20 23:50:37
bbrook99 ::: Favorites
wow ill bet the aliens must be laughing that humans would let other humans get abducted just for technology p.s. aliens at least we look a hella lot better than you ugly bald headed big headed flat nosed dark spiderman eye lookin ass motherfuckers we are your best creation biatch!
07-07-20 23:58:26
mattsf2003 ::: Favorites
I agree, I think these aliens are evil, and sinister. I do believe they exist, but they are talked about in the bible and I believe they are the fallen angels of satan. Either way, it just makes my faith in God stronger. I think these aliens are manipulative and are trying to control people who are weak minded. Put your faith in God.
07-07-29 11:15:16
autolinekarlovac ::: Favorites
great video... 5 stars from me
07-08-02 04:05:49
greenhornet59 ::: Favorites
Incredible...GREAT stuff!
07-08-05 22:11:32

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