Friday, August 10, 2007

Barry bonds #755 (san diego broadcast)

Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 23:54:36
User: gilgameshnyc
:::: Favorites

ties the hammer

gioguzman ::: Favorites
b/c he didnt!
07-08-06 22:23:10
mariaishot54 ::: Favorites
Steroids are not, he's still one of the greatest baseball players ever to play the game
07-08-06 23:35:25
analsweat ::: Favorites
Barry Bonds likes to sweat in the heat of the night. Thy homerun must cry to the sound of the peasant, when the lone eagle flys South. Blessed is thy manifest of the anal flex.
07-08-07 14:50:01
88HJS ::: Favorites
07-08-07 17:31:36
Lowlife1000 ::: Favorites
I used to consider him a roid monster, but I got more knowledge of the BALCO case and how in the world would anyone suspect Roids in a goddamn cream?
07-08-07 21:19:58
yankeeclipper07 ::: Favorites
Nothing to hide that is why his trainer sits in jail refusing to testify until the grand jurys time runs out.Bonds hits 32 home runs per season for 14 years then his head grows four sizes and he hits 73 no steroids had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT???
07-08-07 22:08:36
yankeeclipper07 ::: Favorites
Highroller33138 the difference was Hank had to deal with bigotry and ignorance. He had to deal with nothing to do with his own accord. Barry has to deal with that fact that his head grew four sizes and after averaging 32 HR per year for 14 seasons he magically hit 73??His trainer sits in jail refusing to testify to the grand Jury
07-08-07 22:10:49
yankeeclipper07 ::: Favorites
Hank never went through what Bonds is going through? Hank had to walk through the valley of fear. He had to put up with racial injustice and condemnation for being a colored man breaking a white mans record and for the Record I am a white man.. And I respect Hank Aaron he is a modern day knight a hero a great role model
07-08-07 22:13:35
JayBazizzle ::: Favorites
Why are people turning this into a racial argument? It's uncalled for. Michael Jordan is the best basketball player in the universe, was and always will be. Barry Bonds broke the HR record with allegations of steroid abuse. It isn't hard to tell that he did steroids.
07-08-08 02:31:00
Highroller33138 ::: Favorites
Yankeeclipper07 I agree with chu but, Mark Mcgwire hit 70HR's to break Roger Maris season HR record, and Alex Rodriguez hit 500 career HR's the faster player to reach 500 HR's at the age of 32, How come nobody jumping on they case, but Barry Bonds is every body target because he breaking records.. why they always jump on the black man, give us a break...
07-08-09 20:47:04

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