Monday, August 13, 2007

Battle of the YouTube NonStars: ROUND 5 (THE FINALS!)

Duration: 429 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-14 18:24:48
User: jenluv37
:::: Favorites

VOTING IS NOW OVER! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL WHO VOTED! Well, counting the votes has been quite tricky this round. But here's the thing. I LOVE data collection and problem solving so this is a PERFECT task for me. I know . . . I'm weird . . . but this is why I became a teacher! :D Since the beginning, I have found many fake accounts and double votes for both contestants. I'll sit down and sort it all out. Actually, I think it'll be pretty fun! See you at the results show! Special Thanks To: Fred Flintstone and Willam Wallace Music: James L. Veniable- Neckin' on a Swing Fall Out Boy- This Ain't a Scene (It's an Arms Race)

alan0011 ::: Favorites
shut up and start it already!
07-03-28 20:38:02
jenluv37 ::: Favorites
Dude, it's been over for almost a month . . . :(
07-03-28 22:17:16
alan0011 ::: Favorites
its not that but ok,dont be sad;)
07-03-29 01:13:59
TheSacredOne1 ::: Favorites
K80Blog used singing as subliminal messages. Who won?
07-04-27 15:08:53
SG87PL ::: Favorites
I vote Hughsnews
07-06-11 19:54:04
goldenharvest ::: Favorites
07-06-29 14:49:59
hilbert707 ::: Favorites
lol i vote for hugesnews
07-07-04 09:43:00
sidrakhan19 ::: Favorites
ma vote Goes To K80Blog
07-07-08 03:54:13
Therealpianoman ::: Favorites
2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate hugesnews
07-07-08 06:29:25
iLoveK80Blog ::: Favorites
My vote *still* goes to K80, so there. ♥
07-07-28 14:24:29

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