Thursday, August 2, 2007

Creepystickguy's Third Montage

Duration: 457 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-25 00:51:27
User: creepystickyguy
:::: Favorites

Yeah this is my third montage. Not to much to explain here. Hope you like it. Its a Dual montage with me and CreepyStickGuy2. We are pretty much cousins.

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crazy727 ::: Favorites
wow...u make no scoping look SOOOOOOOO easy...its just not right....
06-11-16 02:24:57
LamentedxSoul ::: Favorites
And I still think its neat that LP Got Jonathan Davis from KoRn to star in this song. JD Will always be among the best singers in the U.S.
06-11-20 12:51:33
vVNoxScopeVv ::: Favorites
It wasn't BAD but i have no idea why this kids say you're the best no scoper on h2..
06-11-24 23:27:41
sureshot1031 ::: Favorites
I personally think its funny how kids put "snipe" or "no scope" in their name... im pretty sure that automatically means they suck :) i think
06-11-25 22:17:31
Xxslip0knotxx ::: Favorites
i dont understand why people put sureshot in their name... does that make them think their badass?
07-01-02 14:15:56
DEWALLJEWS ::: Favorites
once there was a guy named does ADHD make ur game play better? my cousin has a.d.d and so do i...we fuckin rape cause it
07-01-18 19:25:39
ZeroZader ::: Favorites
lol i love that last no scope *BAM* halo 1, i didnt notice it until i saw "press x to pick up" *picture of assult rifle* i was like "wtf, oh its halo 1, nice"
07-02-17 10:27:21
sureshot1031 ::: Favorites
actually i made that my s/n in 4th grade, and i've kept it... and i was a badass 4th grader thank you much... it was directed towards paintball... and its pretty true, im alomst pro... so blah! send me a f/r on live Fiipsid3
07-03-19 16:20:00
BeeaReADee ::: Favorites
creeeeepy its BeeAreAyDee hahaha your my hero.
07-07-20 00:26:58
sureshot1031 ::: Favorites
cuz we dont put it as our username on putfile :)
07-07-30 22:05:22

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