Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cup Clap Game

Duration: 55 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-17 03:40:45
User: cheesyhero246
:::: Favorites

Annoy resturant patrons with style and skill, looks more impressive, when everyone at the table does it and passes thier cups.

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starxrobin4ever ::: Favorites
AWSOME! THANX FOR SLOWING IT DOWN, OR ELSE I WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST!... question? What was that very last thing.??? Just cutious, thats all =^_^=
07-04-23 18:33:38
openwidedude ::: Favorites
It was awesome but, I thought you tap the cup instead of the table... and What was all the dark stuff?
07-05-03 15:53:30
sharpielicker ::: Favorites
The cup or table. Doesn't matter.
07-05-05 16:55:04
Cursesealsasuke111 ::: Favorites
Can u give me the steps for this??? by the way ur awesome!!!
07-05-31 20:39:24
mrcrunkpants ::: Favorites
thats all good and all but can you do it in 4 seconds with your eyes closed????i can!!!
07-06-27 13:36:33
mrcrunkpants ::: Favorites
thats all good and all but can you do it in 4 seconds with your eyes closed?????i can!!!
07-06-27 13:40:42
dvbones ::: Favorites
07-07-02 09:37:27
traviszildjianbarker ::: Favorites
hey that wat awesome as niceee
07-07-02 22:53:04
TennisChick12 ::: Favorites
what was that at the end??
07-07-03 17:19:45
Anime4Freak ::: Favorites
thnx your good at this. =)(did i just see a bear at the end?)
07-07-13 17:21:01

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