Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dry Shaving

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-10 10:30:09
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

An experimental art video about the rite of passage into adulthood: dry shaving.

marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
You do.
07-01-13 20:28:22
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
It comes with iLife royalty and copyright free.
07-01-14 16:14:10
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-01-14 16:14:22
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Yesterday I got carried away dryshaving and did my head, too. Now I need a tanning machine for my head.
07-01-14 16:15:44
moonglow193 ::: Favorites
Does shaving with a knife really work? I tried it and almost cut my ball sac off! OW!
07-01-14 20:26:21
ssjautobot ::: Favorites
liar. u did not shave with that knife.
07-07-05 22:18:41
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
It's the magic and soul of video.
07-07-06 08:26:17
Anhaedra ::: Favorites
lol yes it does work... why wouldn't it?
07-07-20 13:59:44
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Acyually, it's better if you use a straight razor for your balls.
07-07-21 17:56:28
chopper753 ::: Favorites
WOW, you're so cool man! everyone wants to be just like you!!11!
07-07-22 18:49:18

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