Wednesday, August 29, 2007

End The War!

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 06:33:31
User: DavidThePatriot
:::: Favorites

Whether you agree with the war or not, watch this video

MMadmike ::: Favorites
We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." Woodrow Wilson
07-08-27 21:08:58
dewclawpower ::: Favorites
nice buckethead
07-08-24 14:59:01
ploshadi5 ::: Favorites
wHAT ABOUT Barak Obama?
07-08-23 23:43:32
BigCat78 ::: Favorites
The video is a bit slow, but it gets the point across.
07-08-20 13:24:23
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul is not the only candidate who supports immediate withdrawal of U.S troops. You may of heard of Dennis Kucinich? Also, Unlike Ron Paul, Mr. Kucinich has the backbone to say that Don't Ask, Don't Tell was a mistake.
07-08-19 20:27:14
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
there are way bigger issues than dont ask dont tell...
07-08-19 22:07:04
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
Well, it's important to the men and women who want to serve our country, but are being kicked out because they are gay. I would think a patriot like yourself ...would think it's important to retain all qualified soldiers who are willing to fight for our country. These are men and women who hold critical skills which are critical to conflicts around the world. I would concede there may be "way bigger" issues for the next President to tackle. (CONT)
07-08-19 22:52:33
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
(CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS POST) However, if he or she can't acknowledge the fact that this policy is hurting our military, than I don't want him or her as my Commander in Chief.
07-08-19 22:54:39
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
You are never going to agree 100 percent with a candidate. All I can say is that Kucinich will not be abke to defeat the superstars he's running against. Ron Paul is breaking out amongst Republicans, and even bringing new people under the tent. Like myself. Vote for whom you choose, but if you want to end the war Ron Paul is the only one with a fighting chance to win. Thanks for watching and debating.
07-08-19 23:50:19
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
Some final thoughts. I will admit that Ron Paul doesn't scare me as much as the other Republican candidates. Unfortunately, the Christian Right owns the Republican party and the Christian Right would never throw their support behind your candidate, or tell their minions to vote for him (from behind the pulpit) If you want to see your candidate win the nomination, why not work on removing the stronghold that the Christian Right has on your newly adopted party? Good luck with that. Peace
07-08-20 00:51:21
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
From a political standpoint, why not use it rather than circumvent it. It may not be clean, but real change never is...
07-08-20 01:54:29
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
Again, good luck with that.
07-08-20 02:19:07
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
I understand your reluctance, and in many ways share it. It comes down to a simple crude cliche'. Shit or get off the pot...
07-08-20 03:26:22
SIERRAHPBT ::: Favorites
Being a Christian I will tell you this... we are just as much tired of the demopublican BS as any other group of people.. We Christians know we were lied to. Many are voting for RON PAUL! Many of us take with a grain of salt what our "leaders" tell us anymore! RON PAUL IN 08!
07-08-21 01:29:50
SIERRAHPBT ::: Favorites
LOOK... gays in the military hurts the fighting effectiveness of the military.. its like a football team you going to shower next to a guy you know is queer??? Ya I didn't think so! tell em to shuit up and just do their job.. same way a straight person does!
07-08-21 01:32:36
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
I've met quite a few gay men and women service members, and they are not focused on who's in the shower with them. I suspect you give it much more thought than they do. But thanks for sharing some of that good old fashion Christian love with us this evening.
07-08-21 01:49:21
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
One more thing, Sierra. Other than your shower room scenario...I doubt you can actually offer any proof that openly gay soldiers are a danger to our military. In fact, there are countries that allow their soldiers to openly serve. Countries such as the U.K, Israel, Germany, Canada, and France (to name a few) In addition, here's a quick bio of an openly gay soldier that once served our country and has one less leg to show for it.
07-08-21 01:59:54
hrcman77 ::: Favorites
Eric Alva served in the Marine Corps for 13 years, and was a member of the 3rd Ba medical discharge from the military and was the first American service member wounded in the war in Iraq. still want to claim that men like Alva are hurting our military effectiveness?
07-08-21 02:05:43
lisadseeker ::: Favorites
Ron Paul 2008 to end the war.
07-08-15 18:48:42
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
I will be quite frank... The Constitution only provides for the protection of Americans. We are not the world police. Stop listening to Sean Hannity
07-08-12 15:46:16

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