Saturday, August 4, 2007

Eye To Eye: Quality Elder Care At Less Cost

Duration: 179 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-19 12:26:36
User: CBS
:::: Favorites

Elder care costs American taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Conchy Bretos tells Wyatt Andrews about her plan to provide quality care for the elderly at less cost.

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astoriaq333 ::: Favorites
Well, all of us young people want to have lives! We don't want to take care of out parents 24/7!
07-02-19 20:39:48
EldercareCoordinator ::: Favorites
There is a service out there that will allow people stay home with directly hired caregivers at 20% of the nursing home cost. Now we have to convince government to give money to families to pay for directly hired caregivers. Sure it's less control for government but it's 70% saving!
07-03-22 13:46:17

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