Saturday, August 11, 2007

Interview With Scotty

Duration: 559 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-21 23:18:31
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

My brother and I.

pilsbery0 ::: Favorites
if u need help with the web site u could just ask some people and i bet a lot of people would volentier to help out
07-04-23 17:31:34
DrOman5596 ::: Favorites
AA, get your brother to start making videos!
07-04-23 20:09:07
slicesly ::: Favorites
I second that motion. I started watching his channel because of all the information provided and rebutals to other vids + the fact that he's so colourful keeps my attention span going. Forget the haters for now; but you'll probably do whatever you want anyway so keep it interesting! PTFO!
07-04-23 20:31:53
MySeverdTies ::: Favorites
I finally made it to the promise land, all AA's videos in two weaks. It feals like I watched a timelaps of someone growing into a leader of A cause, I had no ideal about the asu, talk about entertaining and meaningful, I don't know wear I stand yet, but if you hit the rite notes, for me anyways, I would feal honored to support you, that's probally going to be the case, I cant wate to hear more about it.
07-04-23 22:45:03
ashesoflegion ::: Favorites
I fucking swear I will stop fucking cursing as soon as the world fucking explodes. Fuck Yeah!!!
07-04-24 18:57:06
linkx666 ::: Favorites
I would sooo speak that language..
07-04-24 20:21:27
SunscreenAndVitamins ::: Favorites
Scotty sounds just like you, except kinda nerdy
07-04-26 21:04:25
BlackFireX ::: Favorites
07-04-27 16:05:51
skaterasshole1234567 ::: Favorites
im the first comment in 2 months, ha
07-07-07 10:17:01
deadphish09 ::: Favorites
nice shirt scotty.
07-08-10 14:54:03

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