Monday, August 27, 2007

Jameka goes to see what eric has to say(2)

Duration: 08:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 21:25:13
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

Eric tells her that he was honest and genuine with her and that Dick is now controlling this game

1234jerrylewis ::: Favorites
of course it's true!He's always acting HOH!
07-08-09 13:44:13
Bluearcangel ::: Favorites
why the hell has eric got to justify his-self for sticking up for someone..
07-08-08 23:31:50
Bluearcangel ::: Favorites
Dick is in control, and that control is fear of him and his wrath.
07-08-08 23:26:29
justlookinatcha ::: Favorites
I agree. Jameka is not stupid buuut she is simpathetic. I hope she sticks too her original decision about him. He's a snake in the grass. Hurt but still trying too bite.
07-08-08 22:46:18
eustacebagg72 ::: Favorites
So, it appears to me that Eric's strategy now is to tell everyone that if they vote him out then it will leave Dick in control of the game. Of course, this is not true, but hell, it's not like it is the first lie he has told. I am going to be very pissed off if he manages to pull this crap off.
07-08-08 21:52:31
Syther79 ::: Favorites
Dick WILL be in control of the game. IT will be 4(Jameka, Dustin Amber & Jess) vs. 5 (Kail, Zach, Jen, Dick(less) and Dani(rexic)). And Dick will control all.
07-08-09 19:14:43

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