Friday, August 10, 2007

Jen Safe - Nick could go

Duration: 95 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 03:58:46
User: teslad
:::: Favorites

eric and dick get the LNC to agree to send nick home

Crt4ever07 ::: Favorites
Wasn't Eric supposed to get them to vote Kail off
07-07-29 04:16:06
i8thelastcookie ::: Favorites
i LOVEEEEE this plan... if they go forward with this i cant wait to see the reaction of nick. i feel all giddy inside already :p
07-07-29 04:16:12
Oopstoobad6275 ::: Favorites
meeeeeee fucking too...i love's gonna be a good week hahaha
07-07-29 17:47:27
joymonster ::: Favorites
Hmm.. vote out Nick who is an ally to Daniele but save Kail/Jen?
07-07-29 05:28:00
CnoirBlaque ::: Favorites
Nicks playing both side of the street & the middle of the road. He's smarmy. He's the only one that if power changes that can play either side. He needs 2 go!
07-07-29 12:19:30
Quirkydude ::: Favorites
Eric was suppose to get Kail nominated...that's all...
07-07-29 09:39:12
lorst55 ::: Favorites
It appears Eric is reallyyy pushing to get *Nick* out. do we know for sure it was Kail??
07-07-29 19:47:58
orangemonkey62 ::: Favorites
nick is not playing both sides. and america wants him to try to get kail out but that doesnt really help out eric very much.
07-07-30 16:58:28

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