Thursday, August 2, 2007


Duration: 70 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-01 00:39:37
User: Turbo617
:::: Favorites

This is an example that even tame pets still have the instinct to kill on their own. Remember, Till is my lap rat and I have not in any way taught him to do this, it's all him. Think of this no different than somebody feeding their Boa a cute bunny rabbit or their lizard a big cricket. Rats are omnivores like us and really benefit live food every so often to stimulate their mind. It will take him about two days to eat everything.

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madodaz ::: Favorites
well it's your choice and i can not do anyhting about that
07-06-17 04:14:16
zeeosix ::: Favorites
You dipshit ... you think everyone knows what expect to see when they click a video. My comment still stands. Your just another sick fuck who likes to sacrifice live animals. I'm sure PETA would be interested in seeing this video.
07-06-17 15:50:30
zeeosix ::: Favorites
:finger: ... fuck you and all the other animal abusers on YouTube.
07-06-17 16:26:02
Turbo617 ::: Favorites
Nice words will get you far, Idiot.
07-06-17 16:27:31
Turbo617 ::: Favorites
You are such an idiot. PETA is a powerless group of hypocrites that rely on TERRORISTS to do their dirty work.
07-06-17 16:28:38
zeeosix ::: Favorites
I see you're a spinless fuck who has to delete my comments. Like I said, fuck you and all the other animal abusers who post shit like this on YouTube.
07-06-17 16:32:02
Turbo617 ::: Favorites
Cry me a fuckin river. I accidentally hit the remove button instead of reply.
07-06-17 16:38:49
derjew ::: Favorites
who cares about peta shit.this is nature,and its just a fuckin bird not a newborn kitten. get over it. oh and i just ate a fish taco. OMG SOMEONE HAD TO KILL THE FISH
07-06-21 01:04:15
Turbo617 ::: Favorites
Do the vegetarians ever think of the plants they eat? Plants are living creatures too. How do we know a tomato plant isn't screaming bloody murder in it's own way when we pull a tomato off it's branch? The only thing they can really eat without killing something is to go lick minerals off rocks.
07-06-21 01:15:22
deepsnoozer ::: Favorites
Yeah these vegans thing that they can change our own nature. we might be onviverous but our balanced means must include meat!
07-07-12 22:43:26

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