Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little bit about me

Duration: 05:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-12 02:37:14
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

my myspace http://www.myspace.com/escapegoat_tim some more things to note: I use sony vegas 7 The " Goat" sound effects is Brian Sapient Oh and I thought this was interesting http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/goat.html

captkidd357 ::: Favorites
Background, Station in life, level of education ( College is not a requirement), or Walk of Life can join any Lodge in Utah... This is the way for most Grand Lodge Jurisdictions... For the truth about Freemasonry Visit: goldenspikelodge (DOT) org I urge you to discover the facts and not the opinions of insecurity... Check the ask a Mason tab. ask questions seek the facts... become informed by the true facts about freemasonry at: goldenspikelodge (DOT) org
07-08-20 15:11:00
tarotfest ::: Favorites
that band march thing was kinda surreal, the music was actualy pretty sweet, or is it coz there was some purple haze goin on......... hmmmmmm
07-06-07 17:53:02
adriageis ::: Favorites
Aw, Tim, I learned stuff about you =] You're an interesting one =]
07-06-06 00:19:58
EBellissimoqua ::: Favorites
Are you sure you'r only 19? You'r brilliant!
07-05-24 08:41:24
CStoddard18 ::: Favorites
Tim is incredible... from listening to some of his other videos I don't want to say he is intelligent, (meaning really really smart) but he is brilliant. Tim is a guy any girl would be lucky to get! Great going Tim!!!
07-06-12 22:09:07
EBellissimoqua ::: Favorites
Not only he's BRILLIANT but he's also into motorbikes (I'm a CBR owner/rider myself) Finally a man that could challenge me in everything.
07-06-17 21:26:05
grl956 ::: Favorites
This is in response to ur previous vid. I will not offend you in anyway but what makes you think that some prophesies or even the bible in general is false?... i love radiohead!
07-05-10 23:35:55
g0at ::: Favorites
Watch my bart erhmen video , and when you are done, watch my Markan jesus video. this will give you a better understanding.
07-05-11 04:14:57
pat637 ::: Favorites
you had me until pat robertson!
07-05-02 15:39:47
g0at ::: Favorites
07-05-02 15:53:34
Elvisdogg ::: Favorites
The couple goats ive personally known would butt you in the ass, and knock you flat, the moment you turned your back on them.
07-04-28 14:10:01
g0at ::: Favorites
I live in texas. I have worked with g0ats, rams, bulls, and cows. You can actually grab them by their horns and wrestle with them. They are very top heavy and tend to flip. kids are cute and clumsy also, just a sidenote.
07-04-29 12:29:06
SquiggyIggy ::: Favorites
From one band nerd to another.. the formations were awesome.. I did colorguard so.. yeah
07-04-25 12:16:41
cassiadia ::: Favorites
ur weird but KINDA cute
07-04-22 22:07:57
alpineheath ::: Favorites
I wish you were gay, what a waste !mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
07-04-19 13:36:46
Nerdofluck ::: Favorites
You're so cute....and smart. You speak very well and held my attention very well..which sometimes may be hard to do. Keep it up, you're great!
07-04-14 20:30:24
MChow88 ::: Favorites
MUSE!!!!!!! =) Aww this is a cute video Timmy!
07-04-14 16:27:18
kingcharlemagne23 ::: Favorites
you should talk about your fireman-ness!
07-04-13 04:03:29
g0at ::: Favorites
ook! :-0
07-04-13 18:41:32
CanadianGirlfriend ::: Favorites
I was in colorguard a million years ago. I own a Cavaliers t-shirt. /bandgeek
07-04-13 02:32:11

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