Thursday, August 2, 2007

Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"

Duration: 1368 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-11 03:41:49
User: noncorporatenews
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Martin Luther King speaks out against the Vietnam War. Audio. This speech was released by Black Forum records, a subsidiary of Motown, and went on to win a Grammy in 1970 for the Best Spoken Word Recording. Excerpts of a Sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on April 30, 1967. Text of entire speech: Real Audio file of entire speech:

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MagicStarER ::: Favorites
the bush/cheney regime has trashed all the human rights this man worked and died for. would that he were still alive and could speak for us all again. (p.s. I am white)
07-07-28 18:53:40
Cuffski ::: Favorites
My Mother taught me as a child this is the speech that got Dr. King killed, when he attempted to link the anti-war movement and the Civil Rights movement together.
07-07-29 23:33:01
greenepeas ::: Favorites
NICE... The "TRUTH" of the matter is... *Our "crook" and "corrupt" puppet politicians who serve our "Greedy" bastard big business do not want to leave Iraq... *Too profitable at tax-payers-expense and plus bloody GI's doing all the dirty work...(killing the beneficiaries of Iraq's resources (OIL) *Sell them more WMD's and Anthrax... *WTF America?
07-07-30 12:30:58
greenepeas ::: Favorites
What's the difference between an atheist and a believer?... An "Eye" for an "Eye" An "Atheist" kill for his own "Greed"... (Judas money) A "Believer" kill so others may have "Justice"
07-07-30 13:22:18
henry142003 ::: Favorites
"God does'nt exist" - Athiest "Athiests don't exist" - God
07-07-31 23:58:56
esqjazz ::: Favorites
Your Mother was wrong! Sincerely, King Jr.
07-08-01 02:30:41
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
Don't forget; both parties are complicit in war mongering. They also allowed cover-ups of Waco, OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, USS Liberty attack etc. Both are complicit in subjugation to The Federal Reserve Bankers. Two rotten parties sharing the spoils by maintaining a fraud that the voters have a real choice. Fascism or socialism; no Constitutionalism, no Populism, or true liberty allowed by their NWO controllers. RonPaul2008DOTcom
07-08-01 13:18:39
eagleye9 ::: Favorites
YTsearch: Go To - David Rockefeller Fears Ron Paul -- Hits the Nail on the Head in 2 ½ minutes. Next YTsearch - Evil International Bankers are Running The World RonPaul2008DOTcom
07-08-01 13:19:52
envyjealous ::: Favorites
The "ironic" part is... we have a "draft dodging" oil CEO's in charge of and for staying the course on the Criminal and Infamous War in Iraq... Hmmmmm... WooTTTTT?
07-08-01 16:01:07
anac0nda ::: Favorites
So sad that a great black leader had to be assisnated by the rasicism of white. With out Martin LKJ their would not be any "Civil Rights" to day. Wish Time can turn back to the 70's and 80's :)
07-08-01 20:59:52

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