Thursday, August 2, 2007

McDonalds Drive Through Song

Duration: 179 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-13 08:37:21
User: umanoatamaxorz
:::: Favorites

マクドナルドでドライブスルー。 軽く営業妨害なのでマネしないように。 というか普通に頼め。

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dragonx329 ::: Favorites
Oh man, that's the best. I would buy it off of itunes dude. You HAVE to record it and send me the mp3! I can't stop laughing! send it too: Dragonx329 @ yahoo . com ((without spaces))
07-07-21 01:49:04
dragonx329 ::: Favorites
Oh and you need to make more for like Taco Bell or Burger King or something. :D
07-07-21 01:49:49
gymluva ::: Favorites
that was soooo cool1 i was loling the whole time.
07-07-23 02:37:46
TheDanceTube ::: Favorites
I'll bet the person who took the order is going to remember that for a long time. That was brilliant^^
07-07-23 06:19:20
mycatscool ::: Favorites
babhahahaha that was fucken sweet good job!! hehe
07-07-26 02:02:50
liz1807 ::: Favorites
hahaha thats funny!!!!
07-07-26 19:35:15
KRAZ3D187 ::: Favorites
badda ba ba baaaaaaaa lmao
07-08-01 02:03:49
davcidavid ::: Favorites
that was soooo cool!! Very good
07-08-01 04:47:00
ridvanreis21 ::: Favorites
genelde dizilerde sarışınlar aptal olur ama mine aptal değil hatta çok kurnaz ben yinede mineyi çoook seviyorum mine abla sen çoook tatlısın JİJİLOVE oradaki yazıyı değiştirirmisin lütfen dizi icabı mine abla kötü kaktüs falan ayıppppp gsl olmuş emeğe saygı...
07-08-01 16:11:29
horseygal451 ::: Favorites
07-08-02 00:56:42

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