Friday, August 10, 2007

National Beauty Culturalists League

Duration: 147 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 09:58:28
User: hillaryclintondotcom
:::: Favorites

See what the members of the National Beauty Culturalists League had to say about Hillary after watching her speak.

UnionKid15 ::: Favorites
Good luck Hillary.
07-08-01 10:22:57
hirokatasugiyama ::: Favorites
What is the National Beauty Culturalists?? But besides the point, I don't think we've heard much of her detailed plans on various issues enough. I wish she will post more of those.
07-08-01 12:26:02
eccentriccookie ::: Favorites
Go hill
07-08-01 16:37:32
bjtyou ::: Favorites
07-08-01 17:18:43
oldhacks ::: Favorites
umm. no
07-08-02 03:30:39
MariaRioTinto ::: Favorites
the world hopes you win!
07-08-02 09:49:37
HandsOnVermont ::: Favorites
I have faith Hillary will make this country a better place. There are so many things right about her that I feel confident she will direct congress and this country into a healthy environment. No body will do it better then Hillary.
07-08-03 07:20:16
totalextinction ::: Favorites
the day never ends? yeee!
07-08-03 12:30:53

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