Saturday, August 4, 2007

Notebook: Tony Snow

Duration: 61 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-27 17:52:46
User: CBS
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White House Press Secretary Tony Snow has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Katie Couric says that Snow and Elizabeth Edwards are painful reminders that cancer is an epidemic. (

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Animalbattles ::: Favorites
first comment =)
07-03-27 19:34:39
manly4ever ::: Favorites
well, nice and hard
07-03-27 19:48:42
jfmj83 ::: Favorites
good luck to him! and anyone with cancer!
07-03-27 20:59:54
mrtvman ::: Favorites
07-03-28 00:51:57
mrtvman ::: Favorites
07-03-28 01:12:27
dynamos222 ::: Favorites
Need to look epidemic up in the dictionary I think. When used as a noun it refers to the spread of infectious diseases. Cancer is not infectious. It can be used as an adjective to describe the proportion of a problem. I think this was perhaps what was intended. sorry petty point but it ticks me off when journalists can't use English properly. Their profession depends on their ability to communicate.
07-03-28 04:33:33
quietsheep ::: Favorites
what sucks was her interview with edwards and his wife, where she accused him of putting his "insatiable political ambitions" before his concern for his family. kindof cruel and horrible thing to say; my opinion.
07-03-28 11:46:46
cleo4u ::: Favorites
Annoyed me too. Epidemic scares people. OMG!!! SARS is pandemic, it kills almost more people than the flu! Damn journalists scaring the **** out of people.
07-03-29 17:13:15
oooALICEooo ::: Favorites
...change the segment's name...who the hell is giving low rating
07-03-30 02:19:38
XaviersSecretary ::: Favorites
The idiots are. Also, the anchorwoman is being sympathetic towards Tony Snow, which adds to the low ratings for those who despise him.
07-03-31 21:48:11

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