Sunday, August 5, 2007

Orbital - Doctor

Duration: 331 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-22 16:09:49
User: bandulu
:::: Favorites

Ripped from "the altogether" dvd

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JohnBl1971 ::: Favorites
07-05-12 02:48:29
303bassline ::: Favorites
Nice visuals to a great track!
07-05-12 15:04:40
cidertronic ::: Favorites
beats murray golds derivative version like it was a ginger stepchild
07-05-25 11:43:23
adwriter73 ::: Favorites
I'm waiting for Michael Bay or the like to bring Dr. Who to the masses via the American big screen. There would be no better version of the theme song for it than this.
07-05-26 00:51:52
ivanskye ::: Favorites
from watchin dr who in my childhood years,the tardis and the music has always been a place of santuary,to escape to,i watched it with my dad and i watch it now with my kids the tardis will always be a British national treasure,and will be listed in the oxford dictionary,tardis a place to escape!!!!.
07-06-13 19:47:05
PhilTeare ::: Favorites
I'm with you. And so is my kid. And her kids I bet... :)
07-06-20 09:54:09
ChameleonCircuit ::: Favorites
07-06-26 02:01:58
JJ12000 ::: Favorites
07-07-03 08:43:25
FuckYourSelf99 ::: Favorites
Michael Bay? Please God no, you'd wind up with Will Smith as the Doctor and countless other atrocities.
07-07-28 16:40:06
Delta4845 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 16:45:54

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