Saturday, August 4, 2007

Prostituting for America, 6.20

Duration: 174 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-20 16:34:29
User: CBS
:::: Favorites

Governor Schwarzenegger talks to Craig about his citizenship plans and does his best to crush Craig's dreams.

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sillypeople5 ::: Favorites
LOL- is that his real voice.
07-06-20 19:33:38
Independentvisions ::: Favorites
great impression
07-06-20 21:55:39
pnrteamwork ::: Favorites
this seems like a bad version of daily show or colbert report on comedy central
07-06-20 22:18:32
vandasun ::: Favorites
great!!:-)) Arnold almost as good as Craig:-)))
07-06-21 06:48:06
Abdelkarim12 ::: Favorites
07-06-21 12:50:26
gmalonzo ::: Favorites
Why didn't any one tell me about this Craig guy? Thank God for cable TV (and the ability to record shows). Now I can record Craigs late night show as well. Keep it up Craig. I'm rooting for you. You-tubers, this is my own opinion so no need to prove me wrong. This is a free country. Thank you. Now you can post yours.
07-06-21 15:57:10
dimiavasiel7 ::: Favorites
I want more of Craig's standup and less of these skits. His standup at the beginning of his show is hilarious.
07-06-26 23:09:11

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