Thursday, August 30, 2007

Re: Andre, I want MY dog back! -(Prince of Atlantis)

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-25 08:52:04
User: khayav
:::: Favorites

PLEASE READ: I've been asked to play a character in a friend's channel. Let me know what you think. (I'm not an actor. I don't think I can act. So I thought, hey, let me try it.) If you are interested in playing a charactor in the ongoing saga, email theheyoka for further info

tanyadaley ::: Favorites
i would watch any move, show, or video you were in
07-06-19 18:23:25
ThorianBlackheart ::: Favorites
Oh Great Prince of Atlantis send Your Princess a Meassage PLZ! Alanna
07-05-23 22:01:40
CharityULove ::: Favorites
This is the second funniest thing on youtube, I can't decide if khayav or Andre is funnier! lol :-)
07-05-22 14:24:03
tartinesetchocolat ::: Favorites
Africa is not a freakin country!!! when you talk do you usually say "oh do you remember that North American guy?" nooooo because its a freakin continent!!!
07-05-20 10:14:29
MissMarah ::: Favorites
you HAD to runaway from her??? oh prince, we're so disappointed, and the princess!!!
07-05-16 14:29:35
patrickrockonamerica ::: Favorites
Love the Accent. And no you don't look insane, but you are the "Crowned Prince Of Atlantis"? OOOkay then.
07-05-16 10:09:11
Sagara562 ::: Favorites
hey khayav you remind me from that african guy in Lost when your acting. hehe
07-05-08 22:59:16
BreeinOC ::: Favorites
if you have fun doing it then why not? do what is fun. does it really matter in the grand scheme of things if you don't do everything perfectly?
07-05-02 05:10:17
pi314too ::: Favorites
Pretty cool! You convinced me :)
07-04-30 11:24:32
biblegirl7 ::: Favorites
07-04-30 01:35:57

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