Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Re: David Hasselhoff Eating a Cheeseburger

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 04:33:11
User: Talljim01
:::: Favorites

How many actors does it take to eat a cheeseburger? The David Hamburger Video

Lindholmer5k ::: Favorites
haha :>
07-07-02 03:54:10
chrisairwolf ::: Favorites
dude he's human and for you to make this video real screwed up get a life .
07-06-22 19:31:48
xenexlua ::: Favorites
funny as hell, that really does put a point of some kind across... not sure what, but I'm sure as hell there is one!
07-05-30 04:30:19
MisterQuebec ::: Favorites
You're eating a hamburger and on drugs. That's even worse!
07-05-08 21:46:21
MisterQuebec ::: Favorites
I was shocked when I see that celebrity eating a cheeseburger!
07-05-08 21:45:38
doc044 ::: Favorites
I want to maim this man for taking time from me. I will never get this time back that I spent watching this. I know that I should be doing something better with my time... but fuck... I need a break every now and again.
07-05-08 06:41:02
JamesWorldStudios ::: Favorites
How old are you? 10...9?
07-05-08 03:43:07
zenrks ::: Favorites
Hey, I still dig the Hoff. But I dunno. . .I may not be eating hamburgers for a while. I wonder how this has affected Wendy's bottom line.
07-05-07 12:51:02
Whits1bone ::: Favorites
Going to watch the vid-but personally I never thought David to be that cool, lol!
07-05-06 08:22:39
VolJunkie ::: Favorites
Idiot. Jump off a cliff.
07-05-06 06:56:09
Greatwhite75 ::: Favorites
Bologna Burger Mmmmmm...
07-05-06 06:18:50
lostification ::: Favorites
Haha, well I thought that was pritty funny, especially the last 23 seconds! Mama! lol!
07-05-06 03:53:52
webdude420 ::: Favorites
Where the heck are you from man? Not like you haven't eatin a burger like that after a few too many brews eh? David hasselhoff is old man, in a divorce and having other issues who gives a crap...
07-05-06 00:07:08
SaintDre7 ::: Favorites
Your really not funny old man. Re-think your character or lethargic alter ego.
07-05-05 22:10:03
youngatheartinAZ ::: Favorites
Okay, I just watched it. How sad. Very sad that it has to be broadcast for the world to see and that his daughter provided the video. But, maybe if more people saw what they looked like when they're in that condition, maybe they would drink more responsibly.
07-05-05 21:47:45
Talljim01 ::: Favorites
Yea it is really sad. I felt bad for him, but I also have a twisted sense of humor so I made a video. lol Go ahead and smack me ha.
07-05-05 22:18:41
youngatheartinAZ ::: Favorites
omg! What?! Your video was funny and kinda gross but I haven't heard the news yet or seen the video. I'm on my way now.
07-05-05 21:35:03
anaaclaraa ::: Favorites
loved it !
07-05-05 20:40:27
BOBLOL00 ::: Favorites
loooooooooooooolllllll u r cool
07-05-05 19:53:44
Talljim01 ::: Favorites
I agree, and what is touching to me, is that his daughter made and released this video. I probably shouldnt have poked fun at it, but it is like that car wreck you stop to examine.
07-05-05 19:39:45

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