Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ron Paul on with George Stephanopoulos

Duration: 482 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-08 11:01:06
User: vapatriot2
:::: Favorites

Ron Paul on This Week with George Stephanopoulos

derbderbson ::: Favorites
When Paul wins, I want your house Mr. Snuffleupagus.
07-07-11 01:53:01
justicefx ::: Favorites
I can NOT wait for Ron PAul to win so we can rub Mr Snuffleuffagus' NOSE in it. Get a real job joker fake reporter.
07-07-11 11:46:35
joco122 ::: Favorites
Give George a call at 202-222-7890 he really likes feedback on the interview.
07-07-11 13:13:16
GreyFoxinVegas ::: Favorites
George is the heir apparent to Henry Kissinger. Rockefeller's spokesperson. The front for the CFR, The Neocon's the world bank and the front man for the powers that control us. They already have our money, and most our property,. See See the movie zeitgeistmovie it has it's own domain name It will open your eyes
07-07-11 20:32:25
sassygirl345 ::: Favorites
I just called and left my message, I told him I was disgusted with him, they way he dissed Ron Paul, The Americans want ROn and I want a nice new Interview w w w dot freeme dot tv
07-07-14 19:58:06
walkbla99 ::: Favorites
I left this message "Ron Paul 2008 Georgie!!"
07-07-14 23:43:13
whournameiz ::: Favorites
CALL Goerge and let him know how you feel about his interviewing skills at 202 222 7890. THIS IS THE REAL NUMBER TO HIS OFFICE. CALL AND LET HIM KNOW WHAT A DOUCHEBAG HE IS.
07-07-20 17:49:16
Northax ::: Favorites
Ron Paul, 2008!
07-07-25 09:43:05
Julissa279 ::: Favorites
George Stephanopoulos looks evil and looks at Dr. Paul with contempt. Dr. Paul speaks the truth and speaks from his heart and frankly is the only chance America has to save herself. He will be president because us, the little people, the goyim, will make sure he gets there. The sleeping giant has awakened!
07-07-30 13:20:38
akafatcat ::: Favorites
You must go vote for Ron Paul's two videos here: msnbc. msn. com/id/19858606/ The winning video will get $thousands of free advertising!! Look at the one with the red X and the one above that. pass it on
07-08-03 04:43:39

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