Monday, August 27, 2007

Ron Paul Story - KDFW FOX4 Dallas - 08/19/2007

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 07:52:03
User: travischurch
:::: Favorites

Report about the Ron Paul presidential campaign from FOX 4 Dallas. Broadcast August 19, 2007.

KobyBrandt ::: Favorites
Let's send the People's sheriff into that Wild West town we all know as Washington, DC to restore Constitutional law and order. Unlike George Bush, who says "the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper" and spits on it pretty much daily, Dr. Paul respects and will ENFORCE the highest law in the land. After all, it's the law that governs the Government. ** Vote for RON PAUL in the PRIMARIES! **
07-08-25 02:14:48
evoldfield ::: Favorites
Mitt Romney's campaign only had 35 percent more cash than Ron Paul after subtracting debts on 6/30/2007. There are 1461 days in a 4-year Presidential term. If you donate a penny for each day that would be $14.61. A nickel for each day would be $73.05. A dime for each day would be $146.10. A quarter for each day would be $365.25. Most Presidents are in for two terms. Your investment in the Ron Paul campaign could last a long time.
07-08-23 11:34:59
mju675 ::: Favorites
"The CFR...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established"- C Quigley, B Clinton's mentor CFR Members: B Obama, Romney, H Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, J Edwards, D Rockefeller, Cheney, B Clinton, Dodd, Biden, F Thompson CFR = North American Union "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." Wm Colby, Director, CIA "070807_timeline_to_tyranny"
07-08-22 08:01:04
koreapassie ::: Favorites
inpressive piece of propaganda, but atleast it get's people mad.
07-08-22 07:27:49
kleei2 ::: Favorites
"Other Republicans would argue that Ron Paul's position on the war in Iraq amounts to treason, they point to the fact that he ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian" What?... I don't quite follow... It's treasonous to be against the Iraq War -or- to be a part of a third political party???
07-08-22 05:57:06
kleei2 ::: Favorites
"...whatever your take on Paul or his campaign, it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore" Classic.
07-08-22 05:50:27
LayneRoxxx ::: Favorites
Old media sucks. They are sooo biased. TURNED OFF your tvs!!!
07-08-22 05:47:56
winninghammer ::: Favorites
Go Ron Go! Stupid media... at least they are giving him some airtime, though.
07-08-22 01:59:14
votingronpaul2008 ::: Favorites
Fox News admits that other Republican candidates cannot recognize domestic enemies within the current administration. Shall we trust these buffoons to uphold the Constitution and bring these enemies to justice? Nah, I think not.
07-08-22 01:17:59
11Jamie11 ::: Favorites
Patriotic, too. :-) Now I know Ron Paul loves me, when he's leaving me females like that. ^^ RP 08 FTW
07-08-22 01:17:34
votingronpaul2008 ::: Favorites
WOOT I saw this before most!! I got view #4921
07-08-22 01:14:15
juice797 ::: Favorites
huh? I got view 4921 also... what
07-08-22 01:28:31
davidedwardclark ::: Favorites
God Bless Ron Paul.
07-08-22 00:53:49
Lou510Guy ::: Favorites
WOOOOOO! Vote RON PAUL!!! ps: Lisa Paul is friggin HAWT! Seriously...
07-08-22 00:44:46
airborne373 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul is a veteran. He loves America only paid extorter's say differently.
07-08-22 00:34:12
electrorocket ::: Favorites
Ron Paul wins Straw Polls in Alabama and New Hampshire by a HUGE margin!
07-08-22 00:29:48
11Jamie11 ::: Favorites
I just got word he won tonight in Puyallup, Washington. RON PAUL = OUR PLAN
07-08-22 01:20:02
crackednails ::: Favorites
Lisa Paul is hot, and better looking than any candidates, Lisa (babe) Paul for president!!
07-08-22 00:16:51
11Jamie11 ::: Favorites
Naw... press secretary. Then we'd see her on TV all the time while her grampa was busy in the office vetoing stupid bills. :-D RP 08 FTW
07-08-22 01:19:18
gingermax ::: Favorites
Faux News accuses Ron Paul of treason? They look the other way while our beloved president signs over the sovereignty of the United States of America. They think its treason to follow the constitution,but ok to invade innocent 3rd world countries? They better hope RP doesn't take over, his followers might break out the guillotine. I think Thomas Jefferson said something about bathing in the blood of tyrants.
07-08-21 23:41:20

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