Thursday, August 2, 2007

RR Massacre

Duration: 413 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-22 21:20:59
User: adenina3210
:::: Favorites

RR fight Trmd, SoG, Se, HB. (fight vs trmd not vided)

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IOWNUSON ::: Favorites
col owns rr
07-04-23 00:10:43
adenina3210 ::: Favorites
Danilo, RR don't war sog, because you guys are coutry clan, you are double clanners, and you ivinte fucking friends to your war's. IOWNUSON RR try to get col, but you guys fight mod or something.
07-04-23 09:50:17
Danilodvfbr1 ::: Favorites
lol Always the same excuse Clanzinho de merda esse... ta num lugar que combina com vc
07-04-23 09:56:07
adenina3210 ::: Favorites
danilo gtfo eu penssei que iamos ter um fight de 2hors ou isso... nem sabia vossas opts...
07-04-23 17:37:07
linkwolfdark ::: Favorites
RR = rune rocks? nice clan name rofl
07-04-23 18:19:01
stevenwoo18 ::: Favorites
RR is Rune Raiders and why do you always run from COL RR?
07-04-23 19:25:38
adenina3210 ::: Favorites
stevenwoo when I pk whith rr I never run from col -.- war us col :D
07-04-24 13:46:33
chronic24 ::: Favorites
whats the second songs name?
07-07-06 14:17:13
adenina3210 ::: Favorites
Secret. :D
07-07-06 15:27:15

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