Friday, August 10, 2007

Senator Obama on The Today Show

Duration: 333 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-19 09:50:10
User: BarackObamadotcom
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Senator Obama interviewed by Meredith Viera on Thursday October 19th, 2006.

vick217 ::: Favorites
Well Said.
07-04-13 18:49:48
dleesnuts ::: Favorites
speaking does not equal leading...
07-04-14 19:26:34
WakeUpAmericas ::: Favorites
Before listening to any of these politicians i suggest you google or search youtube for 'North American Union' and 'SPP' between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Then think of the implications of what it means short and longterm in relation to minimum wages, taxes, immigration, healthcare for all (including mexico), gun control and most importantly THE CONSTITUTION, and civil rights or freedoms you had.
07-04-18 15:35:17
Tomar17 ::: Favorites
I gotta say, this guy is one of the best speakers I've seen, definitely in politics. He'll definitely make you Americans look better than Bush, tripping over his own tongue!
07-04-22 06:12:33
miszchang ::: Favorites
BULLSHIT! I heard about these accusations and learned they were false. He went to a Wahabbism schoolw hen he was SIX He was raised as a Christian and travel throughout Europe and the Middle East don't post your bullshit claims until you get your facts straight
07-05-01 13:03:01
nyferrets ::: Favorites
Hello fellow american Giuliani is out of control. All we hear from him is 9/11, but do you remember Rudy before then? WE sure do. Check out what our fellow ferrets are saying about him: Just Search for nyferrets on youtube Yours truly, mike leader of the ny ferrets member of ferrets for freedom
07-05-24 12:36:20
Joeey ::: Favorites
go barak
07-05-26 03:55:01
VictimOfSociety3 ::: Favorites
barack obama is good at articulating his viewpoints
07-06-14 14:44:48
J5MARLON ::: Favorites
Everybody who is scared of his name being muslim. Would you vote for him if his name was Barry Dunham (Dunham is his mothers maiden name).
07-06-14 21:26:59
petitionfor ::: Favorites
sign a PETITION FOR CHANGE by visiting "PETITIONFOR" DOT COM and vote for your favorite candidate.
07-06-18 05:15:45

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