Sunday, August 26, 2007

Soccer Player death

Duration: 01:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-23 15:01:23
User: BlackholeG
:::: Favorites

Soccer Player death

FrOsTy08VaJ ::: Favorites
wait what just happend?
07-08-25 19:42:35
BlackholeG ::: Favorites
hey guys i'm not an moslem i have only download the video
07-08-21 22:19:12
MilkandCereal20 ::: Favorites
who actually believes in allah?
07-08-21 20:53:07
Arabia8 ::: Favorites
It's a way 4 a form of respect!jucamo007.
07-08-20 05:12:28
jucamo007 ::: Favorites
just take off that chant... it is anoying.
07-08-19 17:54:14
celestynbigcuteyre ::: Favorites
Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings
07-08-16 14:24:36
rssssssssssss ::: Favorites
lol ya i guess so
07-08-07 10:51:55
HuRrIcAnE3000 ::: Favorites
Of course he is alive. This video is just used for stupid muslim propaganda.
07-07-29 08:03:27
Arabia8 ::: Favorites
curse you!How dare you post bad remark on Islam,my religion!Who are you to write this.May Allah lead you the correct path.
07-08-20 05:17:40
xorasel ::: Favorites
how is a video of a possibly dying soccer player *any* sort of propoganda, much less religious, specifically muslim? @_@ it's *soccer*...
07-08-20 23:49:12
KissTheBall ::: Favorites
07-07-28 08:11:15
ArianSky ::: Favorites
must of been the will of
07-07-25 12:53:06
ElPoderoso818 ::: Favorites
no he is trying to make it seem like he was ok...
07-07-16 11:01:04
jayh272416 ::: Favorites
You sure he survived?
07-07-06 08:56:08
Alibm80 ::: Favorites
The clip is from a match 3 years ago between two second division Saudi Arabian Football clubs, Al-Raed FC (in red) and Hajer FC (white), the Hajer player was hit in the side of the head (ear?) and suffered a seizure and had to be taken to hospital breifly, but he lived and actually played the very next game for Hajer
07-06-28 17:23:15

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