Friday, August 10, 2007

Time between dog and wolf(lee Jun ki) ep 1 part 1

Duration: 597 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 20:50:59
User: demngamngui
:::: Favorites

I will uploading this series as it will be showing in korea. It loooks promising so far. Go Jun ki!! Sypnosis: Lee Soo Hyun a courageous and energetic man who wants revenge on a criminal group. Suh Ji Woo met Soo Hyun when they were children and fell in love with him. Due to a sudden accident, they had to separate. They meet each other again when they are working as secret agents disguised as museum curators. However, they separate once again because Soo Hyun wants to revenge on his parents' enemies. Both belong to a special investigation unit against an international narcotic drug crime organization.

leighrah ::: Favorites
yea looks like a cool drama, but we are going to have to wait for subs...boohoo
07-07-29 17:56:07
leighrah ::: Favorites
Thank you!
07-07-29 17:56:16
ly15303 ::: Favorites
thank you so much.
07-07-30 23:02:30
Sidralmuntaha ::: Favorites
Why isn't there any subtitles,It's not good without it.
07-08-03 13:08:53
Sidralmuntaha ::: Favorites
Oh,the guy from My girl.He's looking better in this one.
07-08-03 13:11:07
bluesuju93 ::: Favorites
who's the guy at 02:34 ?? i know i saw him on i'm sorry i love you but i forgot his name X(
07-08-04 12:51:18
sorrowXweXcry ::: Favorites
NOOOOOOO he cut his hair. he looks so....old now. *sigh*
07-08-05 16:18:54
4thniji ::: Favorites
'sankyu!' i hope your uploads won't get deleted. again, thanks for the upload. k-dramas are really pulling the stops on car chase scenes!
07-08-07 10:56:14
4thniji ::: Favorites
Looks pretty good! Does he die in the end?! *nips off to watch the rest of the show* thank you again!
07-08-07 11:07:59
XxlrainingsorrowlxX ::: Favorites
wow i didn't think this would be here cuz it just came out in Korea...and i watched it on the video player fer nothing xD thers no subs on the video either
07-08-09 11:23:49

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