Monday, August 13, 2007

Tower Test 2

Duration: 56 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-12 00:46:41
User: FlippyCat
:::: Favorites

Another tower test, plus the first one.

masterchief3k ::: Favorites
oh shut up caboose you couldn't even set any of those up!
07-03-11 13:55:00
richardrocks12 ::: Favorites
ahhhh... so things can fall up eh?
07-03-11 17:43:46
skywalkerneo ::: Favorites
love the rewind! you're awesome! ☺
07-03-11 18:56:17
rekniP ::: Favorites
How did you put the CDs on it?
07-03-23 15:01:08
FlippyCat ::: Favorites
That one is a few dominoes stacked in the center between each CD.
07-03-23 15:23:59
Ledzepelin2323 ::: Favorites
How do you do all of thoes domino stuff
07-03-27 16:16:07
Ledzepelin2323 ::: Favorites
i Just love your dominos!!!
07-03-27 16:20:13
Ledzepelin2323 ::: Favorites
your rewinding is cool!!
07-03-27 16:46:57
ayesha36 ::: Favorites
Wow, Im impressed. ^^
07-03-27 20:08:43
littleelmo24 ::: Favorites
07-04-06 18:20:22

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