Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TPMtv: June 04, 2007

Duration: 259 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-04 09:47:33
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

We've Got to Have Time In a TPMtv Sunday Show Roundup, we survey the Iraq chatter on the Sunday morning talk shows.

Ender1zero1 ::: Favorites
"they are in fact gaining ground" excellent way to end the vid says it all.
07-06-04 11:50:10
SotallyTober ::: Favorites
Thanks, TPMtv. I really appreciate your posting, esp. since I only caught MtP.
07-06-04 18:50:20
jimbojim68 ::: Favorites
I didn't even know our ambassador to Iraq was this Crocker guy. he thinks 4 years is too soon to judge how the war's going? He must be a Bush buddy from Texas.
07-06-04 22:04:19
KIDiotequeA ::: Favorites
thanks for compiling this.
07-06-05 07:02:57
dtnorth1 ::: Favorites
Thanks for the talking points summary. Keep up the good work.
07-06-06 02:26:01
janpauwels ::: Favorites
How much Republican BS can one take?..
07-06-07 17:36:19
lordsovereign ::: Favorites
loved the bit with the iraqi prime minister saying that the majority of the parliament who signed the petition saying US shold leave, were 'decieved'. if not for the horific real life ramifications every day of this this vampire-crime-syndicate presidency, it would all be top comedy.
07-06-18 22:49:05
Suz45 ::: Favorites
Murtha is dead on about Al Quaeda.
07-07-02 02:07:07

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