Friday, August 17, 2007

Ukrainian VDV

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 17:54:08
User: angryjungel
:::: Favorites

Ukrainian VDV forces

Generalgranger ::: Favorites
Nice but if a certin country will attack Ukraine it will not be enough. Ukraine needs to join NATO and fast.
07-04-22 21:07:05
bogdan69cs ::: Favorites
...:/. ....I don't even know what to say to that. I guess it just shows that you don't know anything at all.
07-04-22 21:36:52
Generalgranger ::: Favorites
Ohh come on man polititions from russia saying that they deserve to control Kiev and Minsk.
07-04-23 21:40:40
bogdan69cs ::: Favorites
Who said that?
07-04-24 21:01:15
aps454 ::: Favorites
Putin did. Its possible that he says one thing for international media and another in the domestic media. In this modern computer age, you can't get away with that any more.
07-04-25 20:14:00
nynewyorkerny ::: Favorites
Funny ukraineans. All footage from russian military video ru. Why don't you take video from american or german sites?
07-06-04 15:08:06
Doofy36 ::: Favorites
Its Ukrainian you dumbass..Look at the symbol on the Chopper at 36 seconds..
07-06-06 21:49:29
UaSniper ::: Favorites
Go to that website, there are videos from different countries including Ukraine!!!
07-06-18 19:49:29
poland618 ::: Favorites
dude GROM all the way polish forces are second best in world!!!
07-07-07 01:19:26
UaSniper ::: Favorites
Ok, like 10 days ago some polak told me they are 4th in the World and they are so cool. Where do you get this man?
07-07-10 22:03:04

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