Thursday, August 16, 2007

VideoVets: Kevin Denton

Duration: 02:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-12 22:19:19
User: karinmoveon
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TXatheist ::: Favorites
I can imagine. We took saddam out and they have no civil government. It would be a mess like it is now.
07-04-26 17:09:02
cattwmn ::: Favorites
Goodnessinyou - you demonize Liberals - those who do not follow Mr. Bush blindly - as if disagreeing with the leadership is a BAD THING. If not for 'Patriotic Liberals', you would be having high tea at 4 pm daily and singing 'God Save the Queen'. Thank you Kevin for speaking out and for your service. Bless you.
07-04-26 18:56:04
ivankuznetsov2000 ::: Favorites
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." -- Mark Twain The Bush administration has broken our trust numerous times and they no longer deserve our trust or support. America and our troops deserve better. Organizations like MoveOn help organize people who are willing to fight, by legal means, for democracy within America.
07-04-29 22:23:55
bettybobetty ::: Favorites
there's nothing radical about being against this war--over 60% of the country is against this war.
07-05-08 00:31:05
chuck1967 ::: Favorites
Look people the war was about economics not politics. Are you willing to sacrafice everything you use in your daily lives to give up the oil? Will you? If not then shut the hell up because you have no idea what you're talking about and the lies that this government used and the demolition of the WTC and blowing up the pentagon was all done by this government to take us to war. A war on what? Terrorism! Anyone who believes that is a fool and they don't give a rats ass about you or your families.
07-05-08 20:47:54
BattleofTours732 ::: Favorites
What a pussy. I bet he will get on his knees and suck George Soros's cock. Then, he will bend over so Al Qaeda can cut his head off
07-05-13 19:29:20
theoryrealm ::: Favorites
Grow up battle...Can't Refute these MEN? Of course not.
07-05-13 19:39:09
theoryrealm ::: Favorites
"This fat hippie fuck theory gets paid by Soros at minimum wage and lies about being in the military. You love Soros, dont you, loser? The FEDS know how to get ahold of you, by the way"battleoftours372 Whine like a teenager.... What's the matter there, you can't refute what these brave men and women say? Have to spam soros all over the place. Your little tinfoil hat is on so tight that you start thinking eeeeeveryone on youtube is paid by soros? Seek help child, you need to grow up.
07-05-14 08:13:59
theoryrealm ::: Favorites
"The liars on this blog who are paid by Soros"--battleoftours372 Stiiiiill waiting for you to prove either of those childish statements. Well? Soros holding you down? Childish, spamming, idiot....
07-05-14 08:14:53
theoryrealm ::: Favorites
Battlefortours is too damned stupid it seems to remember moveon (Who did these) on September 18th 1998, launched an online petition to "Censure President CLINTON and Move On to Pressing Issues Facing the Nation". Pay attention battle, you seem WOEFULLY uninformed as to what this groups does and cares about. (BOTH SIDES) Whiner...
07-05-14 10:37:44

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