Wednesday, August 1, 2007

パントマイムレッスン W4「ムーンウォーク」pantomime lesson "How to Moonwalk"

Duration: 236 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-07 18:14:35
User: tokyomimecity
:::: Favorites
Description: パントマイムレッスン「ムーンウォーク」 パラレルのプレシャーウォークからムーンウォークに展開します。 身体が上下にぶれないように注意しましょう。 重心は拇指球に乗せ、腿の内腿を締めて、身体の軸を作り、重心が外にぶれないように行います。 Pantomime lesson "How to moonwalk" Don't up & down your body. You shoud keep your blance on your insaide of feet. Enjoy! TOKYO JAPAN Hiromi Hosokawa Pantomime

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blueroom66 ::: Favorites
Try the album on amazon - it's Barman Forever Soundtrack. Tried to get it on iTunes but it's not there.
07-07-02 13:39:24
Hemi777 ::: Favorites
Yeah looks like I'll actually have to buy it >< Oh well theres some other cool on the soundtrack anyway, thanks.
07-07-02 17:45:31
pucca3901 ::: Favorites
no puedoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-04 17:42:55
kemushichan ::: Favorites
hehe wow~ I love the ending!~ cute!
07-07-05 19:35:16
alcatraz3677 ::: Favorites
like it ,very amusing !
07-07-06 19:01:12
ht3oldnavy ::: Favorites
She is just so cute with this. and the music adds to the cuteness.
07-07-07 21:22:23
buzz60016 ::: Favorites
Very tallented - loved it
07-07-23 04:52:22
ReganFan ::: Favorites
Thank you for going to the trouble of trying to teach all of us with two left feet how to do this. We are going to just clear a space by the computer now and give it a go. ;)
07-07-26 04:09:53
Wormeatingdragon ::: Favorites
This is actually a very instructive video! Pay attention pupils and learn something. Also, tuck your tummy in and keep your head level....
07-07-29 00:20:39
Wormeatingdragon ::: Favorites
99% of the population is spastic but keep trying anyway!
07-07-31 23:47:08

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