Thursday, August 23, 2007

When Is It Greed?

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-07 18:21:43
User: bravenewfilms
:::: Favorites

Robert Greenwald is interviewed on CNN by Lou Dobbs about Wal-Mart and the film "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price"

sunlightleak ::: Favorites
Don't shop at Sam's Club, they're owned by the same company!
07-03-16 22:12:50
Crapperjohnmd ::: Favorites
Why don't you get a 52 inch plasma screen and cram that fucker up your ass?
07-04-09 22:07:46
WNanette ::: Favorites
LOL, nice family-oriented language, there, Crapperjohn... LOL
07-05-10 22:00:08
WNanette ::: Favorites
uh... sunlightleak - ever hear of sarcasm?
07-05-10 22:01:20
WNanette ::: Favorites
uh... sunlightleak - ever hear of sarcasm?
07-05-10 22:01:53
WNanette ::: Favorites
niao theamericanempire- The USA is about $500 billion in trade debt to red China. Even thought they have no objections to beating a national -caught with a Bible- to death in front of their families, they still get to have the Olympics there, too. If that doesn't give you nightmares, nothing will.
07-05-10 22:05:58
bushputz ::: Favorites
Walmart is guilty of corporate clear cutting. Everywhere they go, they wipe out all the other stores. Mom and Pop shops that have been around for decades can't compete and go under. Walmart squeezes its vendors for every nickel it can get. These companies comply or get crushed. They treat their employees like dirt - workers aren't paid to attend mandatory meetings. Stores are understaffed and the crews are required to stay and work (off the clock) until the work is done.
07-05-19 06:18:39
justhomas1 ::: Favorites
America is Free. Anyone can do business in Ameica the way they want. WalMart do not force anyone to work for them or shop at. do not like to work at Walmart? Just Quit.find a different well paid Job. do not like to shop these cheap Chinese products at WalMart, shop these cheap chinese products at Target or KMart or any other store. do not simply complaint. Quit WalMart if you are not happy with it. Stop shop at Walmart if you do not shop at WalMart.
07-05-29 15:02:05
SETINWAYS ::: Favorites
Walmart damaged my suv during a oil and filter change,and then they refused to pay to fix it.I will never ,never go back to walmart.
07-06-17 19:36:13
annette22naughty ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-20 22:52:22

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