Friday, August 10, 2007

Word on the Street

Duration: 135 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-20 16:56:10
User: BarackObamadotcom
:::: Favorites

Listen to what residents of Concord, N.H. have to say about the Senator's recent visit.

rainsan ::: Favorites
Yeah, even though he's actually biracial.
07-03-03 12:59:23
GryphynBloodheart ::: Favorites
I know, which is nice symbolically. The coming together of black and white, dems and republicans, young and old... His race(s) doesn't really MEAN anything though.
07-03-03 15:07:04
fosia199 ::: Favorites
well, his race shouldn't matter, ideally, but it does.. :(
07-03-06 15:11:58
notlqueen ::: Favorites
I disagree. I think it's wonderful that we could have a black President, even if he is 1/2.
07-03-07 19:39:45
Proprietor77 ::: Favorites
07-03-10 14:53:26
Proprietor77 ::: Favorites
"Races: groups assumed to have a biological basis but actually defined in a culturally arbitrary rather than a scientific manner"~my Anthropology textbook. People, get over yourselves, it's what he has to offer that matters, not his skin color (only if i had a nickel for how many times i've heard and said this).
07-03-10 15:00:47
whosoever ::: Favorites
I have yet to see anyone as fired up and joyful about a candidate as these voters are. I think we're getting what we need at last.
07-03-16 20:54:26
dtmfreak ::: Favorites
He's the man, I'd love to meet him
07-04-06 23:48:16
Xone7 ::: Favorites
I cant wait to meet the Senator! GO Obama GO!
07-04-08 13:48:38
alyceclover ::: Favorites
One race the human race. Good opportunity for people of all skin shades to show a bit of maturity and look at what he candidates say and what they have done.
07-06-27 22:32:16

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