Thursday, September 27, 2007

9 (halo 2 machinima)

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-24 23:20:39
User: sn4kp4k
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a prieview of an upcoming halo 2 machinima about a covenant army doin stuff n whatever lol (we tried very hard to make it not suck this was 30+ hours of work. yes really)


TehBoxman15 ::: Favorites
07-09-10 17:40:31
187ing ::: Favorites
Yeah you do
07-08-19 19:19:54
pokemastermon ::: Favorites
i think you have to crop it out
07-08-15 18:37:23
Nanotech009 ::: Favorites
Do you have to be on Xbox live to make clean HAlo 2 Machinima? I can't seem to get rid of the hud, health or score card on my screen. I need to do this through system link with 4 xboxes. I know you got to play oddball having plasma pistols to drop your guns, but how do you get rid of everything to get a clear camera? Someone help me out. Thanks
07-08-13 22:14:25
MeXiCaNsonofAzTeCs ::: Favorites
yep, is the nintendo64 james bond game lol
07-08-05 14:53:41
aristocrat911 ::: Favorites
the music comes from a james bond game
07-07-27 12:11:45
bamaboi18 ::: Favorites
wow dude that was the best halo machinima ever
07-07-20 02:56:08
Evil5partan ::: Favorites
you should do what my machinima team does; meet at someone's place and system link... and voice dub. using live headsets makes an amateur dialog.
07-07-10 23:56:16
Evil5partan ::: Favorites
show some integrety! or something like that how the hell should I know?
07-07-10 23:55:29
HaloHans5 ::: Favorites
Wow,cool movie!! Very cool effects with the banshee scene.
07-07-03 07:47:26

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