Sunday, September 2, 2007

Adam Nitti : Fritter Boy Bass Solo

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-30 17:15:33
User: bassman1970
:::: Favorites

Adam Nitti in his studio playing his bass solo, "Fritter Boy," from his 'Balance' album.

bassman1970 ::: Favorites
Hi there- Unfortunately, at this particular time I don't have any notation for this composition, but I will be releasing a transcription book in the near future that will include it and several other tunes from my albums. Thanks for your interest, and thanks for listening!
07-06-26 10:55:48
robertronics ::: Favorites
can you share the sheet music of this with us? I want to learn it please!
07-06-26 00:51:23
bassman1970 ::: Favorites
Yes, it is a Warrior.
07-06-21 09:03:33
superchunkman ::: Favorites
is that a warrior bass
07-06-21 03:27:58
Plegor ::: Favorites
viejooo tocas de lo mas fregon mis respetos
07-06-19 02:32:47
kwasskw ::: Favorites
07-06-09 23:26:51
ArcReforged ::: Favorites
Insane technicality and skill. 100 points. Sounds bad. -99 points. You got mad skillz. Now make something musical and not just difficult to play.
07-06-09 13:27:37
viz76 ::: Favorites
good man!see my vids too,best,viz
07-05-27 14:23:07
TomBass411 ::: Favorites
Very awesome indeed, you make me want to focus on my tapping a little more. And the sweeping, my god thats insane. Very cool stuff dude.
07-05-27 10:50:15
Xanadu1115 ::: Favorites
Man, that was neat. I swear, this is the first time I've ever seen anyone do sweep moves on the bass. I spent a long period of time figuring out a way to put sweep picking on the bass, and when I think I'm getting somewhere with it, you blow me away!
07-05-24 07:24:57

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