Sunday, September 2, 2007

C-Wars to be remembered

Duration: 08:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-16 15:26:26
User: xxninjaxx666
:::: Favorites

A day to never be forgotten... I love you all

omguretard ::: Favorites
could u add me,user is set gods...? :D
07-08-07 01:29:53
Ninja802 ::: Favorites
xxninjaxx666 banned...hes on a 117 atm me and him going for 99 mage if u want message me ur rs name metal ill be more than happy to add you, but for now im going to sleep :P. also xxninjaxx666's new runescape name is silencer21st
07-08-06 09:42:12
metalmel16 ::: Favorites
omfg i wanna play cw with ninja and u xxxninjaxx, u guys r awesome and ur bros!!!!!!!!my usertname is hambergler and im lvl 94,but jagex muted me 2 days ago.
07-08-01 12:03:22
allwhosmite ::: Favorites
07-07-30 21:10:51
allwhosmite ::: Favorites
what are the songs?
07-07-30 17:44:28
star17ace ::: Favorites
I know Andy didn't real world item-trade. Jagex is definately wrong. All of my friends quit because jagex kept doing stupid things to ruin runescape, and now this... Jagex stop doing this, if you want money, why do you ruin runescape so everyone cancels membership and quits... Andy doesn't deserve this and you know it jagex...
07-07-18 19:45:53
Ninja802 ::: Favorites
cant now xxninjaxx666 was banned for somthing he didnt do better yet jagex wont show him evidence. lol kinda pathitic how jagex is just some money hungry bitches oh well they just pissed off alot of people cause 3 of my other friends were banned like this too in less then a week gf jagex keep this up and rs will be done for :)
07-07-18 17:28:35
star17ace ::: Favorites
that would be awesome. Two lvl 126's forming the best c-wars team there ever is. You're already famous, but you'll be sooooo famous once you guys are lvl 126. Hope you get it soon :)
07-07-15 08:44:18
Ninja802 ::: Favorites
deathdotpwns thats a freaking sweet name :) nah i hvnt been to cw in awhile next time im goin ill be 126...theres gonna be a huge party wen me and xxninjaxx666 get it at the same time o.O
07-07-15 03:56:51
xxninjaxx666 ::: Favorites
hehe i made a new vid as well m8, check it out
07-07-10 01:54:13

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