Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cardcaptors Episode 15- Kero and Sakura's Big Fight part 1/3

Duration: 09:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 17:20:42
User: iluvshaoran
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Cardcaptors Episode 15- Kero and Sakura's Big Fight part 1/3. ENGLISH!!!!

justrobin1 ::: Favorites
nah kero just ate too many choclates
07-08-29 09:28:11
SuGaReYSweEt ::: Favorites
ok does anyone who has not seen cardcaptors in a whiel find it weird when pp lrite li
07-08-09 01:43:50
Yourprincess26 ::: Favorites
that we girls voice is familor but she was the voice of the wee girl who was in the smile paintin 1!
07-08-08 07:32:36
Renee32834 ::: Favorites
o ok yah i thought her voice was form another cardcaptor episode i just couldnt tell which one so thanks and yah your right that is a CRAPPY kids show!!
07-08-06 16:09:34
MidnightPhantom546 ::: Favorites
it's the same voice as the girl alex from the episode with the Silent Card, and it also sounds like Cassie from that CRAPPY kids' show, Dragontales
07-08-06 16:06:24
loki69420 ::: Favorites
lol kiro got drunk!
07-08-06 08:49:28
bubblespen ::: Favorites
kero is ssssssssooooooo sute but he shouldn't just eat the present just like that!
07-08-05 21:38:17
Renee32834 ::: Favorites
me 2!!!!
07-08-05 18:21:44
kagome659 ::: Favorites
That's exactly what I was thinking!! It's driving me crazy!
07-08-05 14:59:29
Renee32834 ::: Favorites
also that little girls voice sounds so familiar but i dont know what from?.....
07-08-03 02:13:15

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