Saturday, September 1, 2007

Condoleezza Rice on Face The Nation

Duration: 09:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 15:46:13
User: deiphilus
:::: Favorites

Condi discusses the Iraqi government,Obama and Pakistan,arms sell to Saudi Arabia.

witzkeyman ::: Favorites
Hamad Karzai is an American ex-oil exec. UNOCAL76
07-08-05 16:28:14
ReinerTorheit ::: Favorites
How do you explain not finding the WMD, you lying sack of shit, Rice????????? Now you are selling arms to Saudi Arabia - the country which had the majority of terrorists on 9/11. But still this lying WHORE keeps her job?????????
07-08-05 16:29:06
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
I wonder if she will "RE-CALL" anything that she has said today at some later day!
07-08-05 18:22:27

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