Monday, September 24, 2007

How To: Dance With Gerard Way. A Four Step Introduction.

Duration: 05:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 04:52:17
User: Jimmette
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:::: Top Videos of Day

This is a video which teaches you how to dance like Gerard Way in four simple and probably inaccurate steps. This was a birthday present for my friend Ali as the only thing she told me to get her, was a dance lesson with Gerard Way. So THAT IS SORT OF WHAT SHE GOT!!! Note: I am aware that both Gerard Way and Johnny Depp are not gay. Unless of course this is Olive reading this, in which case, yes Johnny Depp is gay. Disclaimer: The first "how to" animation is not mine. i taxed it from SpikeyBoy15. Claimer: The other shitty animations are all mine. Disclaimer: None of the footage is mine. Its all mcr. Songs are Dead! and Teenagers respectively. Claimer: It is my annoying voice you will be hearing throughout the video. Note: I know its lame. You dont have to tell me so. No offence intended toward anyone.


BloodyinBlack ::: Favorites
that was awesome lol great job
07-09-11 22:47:43
1GerardFreak1 ::: Favorites
This is like my favourite video on youtube!!! You are so awsome and this video is great!!!I love it so much!!! And you are for sure Not lame u are so cool.
07-08-13 11:42:35
blinkalink ::: Favorites
Wow, this is amazing. I love it!
07-08-11 15:27:03
sitsuro ::: Favorites
It was soooo funny :D CoughJohnnyDeppCough xD
07-08-03 16:40:53
rochshowswomanpc ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date
07-07-26 13:06:05
rosegreenday ::: Favorites
i love your videooo!!! and i agree with that other guy.. or girl.. your not lame if youve done somthing like this!!! it was great!! sorry if my english is not right im from argentina.... so.. well.. we speak spanish here... anyway... great great video.. hope to see a second part or something!! byyeee
07-07-26 02:10:05
SxXxN ::: Favorites
Lol that was funny ur not lame by the way!
07-07-25 07:41:39
mcrfreak20 ::: Favorites
that wasz kewl!! funny i must say! luv da part wen it sed johnny depp cough lolsz
07-07-15 16:53:25
stunner20057 ::: Favorites
ahha at 3:01, he reminds me of a ballerina
07-07-13 03:12:18
robynxinxtoxdeep ::: Favorites
that was funny i like it!xD
07-07-10 12:24:13

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