Friday, September 21, 2007

Is Sam Fisher a Ninja?

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 23:45:17
User: brvignesh
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The two guys will be talking about Ninjas in Hokkaido, when Sam Fisher interrogate to the one of these guy, he calls Sam Fisher as Ninja! "a real live ninja!" "PC Version"


brvignesh ::: Favorites
Yeah. As he said killed by a Ninja!
07-09-19 00:16:42
JamesBond77 ::: Favorites
Good choice. The guy was way too funny to be killed. ;-)
07-09-19 00:13:08
brvignesh ::: Favorites
No, just knocked him out because to maintain 100% rating
07-09-19 00:10:52
JamesBond77 ::: Favorites
Did you kill him after the interrogation ?
07-09-18 18:58:30
saulgenesisfan ::: Favorites
the oil rig conversation which is the reference to the oil rig in the first game. it is strange how this game and double agent have two completely different versions isn't it?
07-09-11 11:03:05
saulgenesisfan ::: Favorites
this conversation happens, but the oil rig one between this guard and another doesn't happen.
07-09-11 10:59:58
brvignesh ::: Favorites
I have also played PS2 version, but i don't know about this conversation in PS2
07-09-11 06:26:11
saulgenesisfan ::: Favorites
is this the xbox version? i don't believe the ninja conversation happens in the other one (PS2).
07-09-10 14:19:26
jjjooo111 ::: Favorites
"Wow...killed by a ninja...COOOL!" haha this was my favorite part of Chaos theaory i remember when i first found this i was cracking up.
07-07-17 17:29:55
aceinc2 ::: Favorites
lol its funny when he laughs while saying "listen i don't know what..."
07-06-21 06:18:09

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